Noah Howard Noah Howard


West frm 42nd

Release Date: 1st October 1997
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  1. I’m a NY woman I do what I want
  2. West from 42nd
  3. Fantasy booth
  4. One for bimbo
  5. (latino) couple
  6. #36
  7. Commando
  8. Swept away
  9. Spitting fiery nickels
  10. Playland
  11. All night
  12. Trapeze artist
  13. /paris
  14. Voice
  15. Eve
  16. Waffle
  17. Hale – Bopp
  18. Boat
  19. Sunday afternoon
  20. 5:45

About the album

Recording: Recorded in NYC, October 1997
Label: Alt Sax Records (9008)

 Recorded with

Eve Packer (lyris and vocals)